Associazione di Promozione Sociale De Componendis Cifris
In questa pagina si segnalano le posizioni accademiche bandite nel settore della Crittografia.
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Postdoctoral Fellow (RTDA) - Università di Trento
We are pleased to announce a 3 year Senior Postdoctoral Fellow Position (RTDA-INFO-01/A) at the University of Trento.
- Project Title: Quantum-safe Solutions for Digital Identity and digital Tracing
- Duration: three years
- Application Deadline: January 16th, 2025
- Research Areas: Post-quantum cryptography; Protocols and technologies for digital identity; Methodologies for the efficient and secure execution of smart contracts
- Application and more info:
- Contact person: Prof. Roberto Zunino,
Post-doc - Università di Genova
There is an open call for a postdoctoral position at the Department of Mathematics at the University of Genova (Italy) in Algebra/Geometry and their applications to Cryptography. The position is funded by the PRIN 2022 Grant "Mathematical Primitives for Post-Quantum Digital Signatures." It is a one-year position, with no teaching obligations and some research funds. The expected start date is February 2, 2025, with limited flexibility. The annual gross salary is approximately €23,250.
The selected candidate will work under my supervision and will be encouraged to develop their own research program. Strong familiarity with one or more of the following areas is expected: Commutative Algebra, Algebraic Geometry, Computational Algebra systems (particularly Macaulay2 and Magma), and Cryptography.
The deadline for applications is November 8, 2024, at 12:00 PM (Italian time). The official call and online application procedure can be accessed at the following link. Please ensure that your application includes a brief research statement (maximum 1 page), all publications (including preprints and your PhD thesis), and any relevant documents or information. Be sure to complete Forms B and C, as indicated in the application. While letters of recommendation are not mandatory, they are highly appreciated and may be sent directly to me at: Feel free to contact me for further information.
Please note that interviews (conducted via Skype) are scheduled for December 13, 2024, beginning at 14:00. Shortlisted applicants will be notified a few days in advance.
Research Fellow - Università degli Studi Roma Tre
We are pleased to announce a research fellow position opportunity at Roma Tre University under the project:
Project Title: "Exploring Multiparty Computation and Number Theory: Algorithmic and Algebraic Perspectives"
Funding Source: Laboratory of Cryptography and Cybersecurity
Duration: One year (with the possibility of extension for an additional year)
Application Deadline: January 20, 2024
Research Areas: Cryptography, Algebra, Computer Science, Mathematical Logic.
Bando di concorso Rep. 27_Prot. 1756/2023 (
[Application Forms] (
[Annexes] (
Contact person:
Prof. Marco Pedicini
Department of Mathematics and Physics
Roma Tre University
Via della Vasca Navale 84 I-00146 Roma (Italy)
Roma Tre University encourages applications from candidates of all backgrounds. Don't miss this opportunity to contribute to cutting-edge research in the field of cryptography.
Borsa di dottorato in crittografia
Sede: Università degli Studi Roma Tre
Scadenza: 27 giugno 2023 ore 14
Argomento: Valutazione delle proprietà di sicurezza di primitive crittografiche
Per informazioni contattare: --
Applied cryptographer - FBK (Trento)
Fondazione Bruno Kessler (Trento, ITALY) has a free position as applied cryptographer to join its team in the design and development of secure innovative solutions for digital identity, access control, and their integration with other security services.
Topics of interest include:
- development and performance assessments of cryptographic primitives and protocol implementations;
- innovative cryptography in digital identity and access control, e.g., zero-knowledge proofs for privacy-enhancing protocols, attribute-based encryption;
- cryptographic solutions for secure development on distributed and heterogeneous architectures.
Start date: June 2023
For more informations see the link
Ricercatore RTDA in Crittografia - Università di Trento
Scadenza: 13 febbraio 2023
il Dipartimento di Matematica di Trento bandisce una posizione di ricercatore di tipo RTDA nei settori SSC 01/A02 - SSD MAT/02 Algebra.
Dal bando ufficiale: Il programma di ricerca si incardina nel Settore Scientifico Disciplinare MAT/02 - Algebra e, nello specifico, si focalizza sugli aspetti algebrici della crittografia, compresi gli algoritmi di crittografia post-quantum e le loro applicazioni alla gestione dell’identità digitale. Si prevede collaborazione nelle attività di consulenza e di terza missione del Dipartimento nell'ambito della crittografia, soprattutto all'interno del Laboratorio congiunto "Crittografia applicata e tecnologia blockchain" tra il Dipartimento di Matematica e il Centro per la Cybersecurity.
Per maggiori informazioni vedere il bando