CIFRIS24 - an event by De Cifris

Venue: Banca d'Italia, Centro D. Menichella, Largo Guido Carli 1, Frascati (Roma)
Social dinner: September 25th, Satiricus, Via dei Corridori 58, Roma
September 25th, 26th, 27th 2024

CIFRIS24 - Second National Conference

CIFRIS24 is an international event, supported and organized by De Cifris, aimed at bringing together researchers in the field of cryptography, practitioners, developers, and users to foster cooperation and exchange techniques, tools, experiences, and ideas.

The first morning is reserved to institutional and industrial stakeholders operating in the field of cryptography and cyber security. The first afternoon and the whole second day constitute the Scientific Session of the event, where scientific talks take place. The third day hosts eight related workshops.

Scientific talks consist of a selection of:

  • Invited talks and
  • Contributed talks selected from the submitted papers by the Chairs and the Programme Committee.


  • Claude Carlet (Paris VIII - France)
  • Gregor Leander (Ruhr-University Bochum - Germany)
  • Simona Samardjiska (Radboud University - Netherlands)
  • Daniele Venturi (University of Roma La Sapienza - Italy)
Pulsante pre-proceedings

CIFRIS24 Preproceedings Draft




The “De Componendis Cifris Associazione di Promozione Sociale” (De Cifris) is a non-profit scientific organization whose purpose is to spread cryptography in all its aspects, from theoretical foundations, applications to historical evolution and impact on society, and to facilitate the aggregation of scholars and researchers, so that from their collaboration project ideas and initiatives of scientific interest can rise.

Organizing Committee

  • Giulia Cavicchioni (University of Trento - Italy)
  • Massimiliano Sala (University of Trento - Italy)
  • Marco Pedicini (University of Roma Tre - Italy)

Chairs of the Scientific Session

  • Luca De Feo (IBM Research Europe - Switzerland)
  • Barbara Masucci (University of Salerno - Italy)