CIFRIS24 - an event by De Cifris

Venue: Banca d'Italia, Centro D. Menichella, Largo Guido Carli 1, Frascati (Roma)
Social dinner: September 25th, Satiricus, Via dei Corridori 58, Roma
September 25th, 26th, 27th 2024

Social event

CIFRIS24 hihgly encourages people of different cryptography-related background to come together.
We will host a social dinner, where guests are welcome (up to one per participant, see the companion registration).

  • Location: Satiricus, Via dei Corridori 58, Roma
  • When? September 25th, 20:30

Registration permanently closed (registration deadline was September 16th).

RegisterRegister a guest


You will be asked for menu preferences after registration closes.

Meat Menu

Buffalo and speck bundles with almonds and balsamic glaze
Beef ragù lasagna
Roast veal with green peppercorns
Cooked vegetables and roasted potatoes
Mimosa cake

Fish Menu

Octopus and potato salad
Fisherman’s risotto
Gratinated sea bass fillet
Mint mashed potatoes and steamed vegetables
Fruit salad with ice cream

Vegan Menu

Layered vegetables gratin on pumpkin cream with crispy onions
Risotto with porcini mushrooms and saffron
Sicilian caponata with roasted potatoes and thyme croutons
Fruit salad