Alessio Meneghetti (UNITN) and Sihem Mesnager (Paris VIII).
Magali Bardet (University of Rouen, France). Sonia Belaïd (CryptoExperts, Paris, France). Jean-Francois Biasse (Center for Cryptographic Research, USF, USA). Christina Boura (University of Versailles, France). Sébastien Canard (Telecom Paris- Saclay, France). Anne Canteaut (INRIA Paris, France). Claude Carlet (Universities of Bergen and Paris 8, France). Léo Ducas (Centrum Wiskunde Informatica (CWI), Amsterdam, Netherlands) Thomas Debris-Alazard (INRIA Paris, France). Louis Goubin (University of Versailles, France). Adeline Roux-Langlois (GREYC, CNRS, Unicaen, Ensicaen, Caen, France). Alice Pellet-Mary (University of Bordeaux, France). Sihem Mesnager (Universities of Paris VIII and Sorbonne North, France). Pierrick Meaux (University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg). Ludovic Perret (University of Paris VII, France). Léo Perrin (INRIA Paris, France) . Damien Stehlé (ENS Lyon, France). Serge Vaudenay (EPFL Switzerland). Damien Vergnaud (Sorbonne University, France). Giles Zémor (University of Bordeaux, France).
Course structure
TThe course is divided into twenty online lectures, made available to all participants via YouTube. The lessons are held in English and take place at 5:00 PM in September, October and November 2024. The lectures are recorded and available to all participants of the course. The recorded lectures will be open to everyone a few months after the course, that is, in early 2025.
Course prerequisites
- Mathematics: basic concepts of computational complexity, elementary number theory and probability theory.
- Symmetric cryptography: basic understanding of block ciphers, stream ciphers, hash functions and MAC's.
- Public-key cryptography: DH and RSA.
- Protocols: some general concept on protocols, such as those necessary to understand SSL/TLS.
Registration and costs
The course is free of charge, and any De Cifris member can attend. Registration is open until the end of October 2024 or until the maximum number of attendees (five hundred) is reached. For any further information about the registration, write to