CIFRIS23 - First National Conference
"CONSOB headoffice", Via Giovanni Battista Martini, 3 - 00198 Rome (Italy)
December 14th, 15th 2023
All events take place at CONSOB headoffice, Via Giovanni Battista Martini, 3 - 00198 Rome (Italy).
Locandina Istituzionale Proceedings | |
14 December (morning) - Institutional Session | |
8:30-10:00 | Registration |
Servizio televisivo: SPECIALE CLASS CNBC | |
10:00-10:30 | Welcome address - Video |
Speakers : Paolo Savona (CONSOB's President) and Massimiliano Sala (De Cifris' President) | |
10:30-11:30 | Institutional Round Table - Video |
Moderator: Francesca Medda (CONSOB) Confirmed speakers:
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11:30-12:00 | Coffee break |
12:00-12:30 | Invited Talk |
Massimo Giulietti (University of Perugia - Italy) - Slide "Cryptography and its applications in the Italian scenario" | |
12:30-13:00 | De Cifris Partners |
Antonino Giovanni ALÌ (De Componendis Cifris) - Abstract In questa sessione viene presentata l’Associazione De Componendis Cifris e gli obiettivi che essa si prefigge, tra cui l’uso della crittografia a servizio del nostro paese tramite la collaborazione dell’Associazione con le istituzioni e il settore privato nel tentativo di promuovere lo studio e la ricerca del settore crittografico in Italia. In particolare ascolteremo le due aziende affiliate a De Cifris: Telsy e BVTech. "La visione di De Cifris per le partnership con le aziende leader" | |
Vincenzo MAFRICA (Direttore Business Unit di BVTECH) - Slide - Abstract In questa sessione viene presentata BVTech, un’azienda che da vent’anni si occupa di garantire la sicurezza dei dati e delle informazioni tramite la collaborazione con aziende ed istituzioni, con un approccio dedito ad anticipare i cambiamenti delle telecomunicazioni. Inoltre, viene presentata Privatewave, un prodotto made in Italy che si pone come soluzione per una comunicazione sicura. Si basa sull’uso di protocolli standard di cifratura e sull’utilizzo di componenti software open source capaci di proteggere il contenuto delle conversazioni telefoniche in tutte le sue forme. "La crittografia nelle comunicazioni sicure: l’esperienza BV TECH" | |
Guglielmo MORGARI (Research Manager di TELSY) - Abstract In questa sessione viene presentata Tesly, un’azienda presente sul territorio dal 1971. Viene sottolineata l’importanza per Tesly dell’indipendenza tecnologica, le cui competenze consentono ai singoli Stati di trovare il giusto equilibrio tra sicurezza, economicità, funzionalità e così via. La tecnologia risulta inoltre utile a indirizzare i Paesi verso valori e aspettative sociali peculiari di ciascuno, a fronte di ciò Tesly riconosce l’importanza di DeCifris nel contesto nazionale come punto di coordinamento delle diverse competenze. "Il ruolo strategico della crittografia nel conseguimento della sovranità tecnologica nazionale" | |
13:00-14:30 | Lunch |
14 December (afternoon) - Scientific Session | |
14:30-16:30 | Mini-session: Number theory and cryptography - Video |
Invited Talk - Antoine Joux (CISPA - Germany), winner of the Goedel price - Slide | |
Wissam Ghantous, Federico Pintore and Mattia Veroni - Slide "Efficiency of SIDH-based signatures (yes, SIDH)" | |
Massimiliano Sala and Daniele Taufer - Slide "The group structure of elliptic curves over Z/NZ" | |
16:30-17:00 | Coffee break |
17:00-19:00 | Mini-session: Between theory and practice |
Kaveh Aasaraai, Emanuele Cesena, Rahul Maganti, Nicolas Stalder and Javier Varela - Slide "FPGA And Software Acceleration of Multi-Scalar Multiplication: CycloneMSM" | |
Márton Erdélyi, Pál Hegedüs, Sándor Kiss and Gábor Nagy - Slide "On Linear Codes with Random Multiplier Vectors and the Maximum Trace Dimension Property" | |
Marco Timpanella - Slide "On a generalization of the Deligne-Lustzig curve of Suzuki type and application to AG codes" | |
Kyosuke Yamashita and Keisuke Hara - Slide "On the Black-Box Impossibility of Multi-Designated Verifiers Signature Schemes from Ring Signature Schemes" | |
21:00 | Social Dinner |
Location: Le Meridien Visconti Rome | |
15 December (morning) - Workshop Session | |
Main Hall | |
9:00-11:00 | Workshop - Video |
Synthetic Data, Cyber Security and Finance Invited speakers from : European Commission, Banca D'Italia, CONSOB, University of Oxford
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11:00-11:30 | Coffee break |
11:30-13:30 | Workshop - Video |
CBDCs, Digital Currencies and Assets Tokenization: opportunities and risks - Abstract CBDCs promise large-scale efficiency but also pose significant challenges, including potential centralization and control unprecedented in the financial sector. This workshop aims to foster a rich dialogue on the opportunities and risks associated with CBDCs, digital currencies, and tokenization of assets focusing on both national and international perspectives. Invited speaker from : CONSOB
Information and call for papers can be found here. | |
Room A | |
9:00-11:00 | Workshop - Video |
Recent Advances in Post-Quantum Cryptography - Abstract Post-quantum cryptography, the study of cryptosystems capable of withstanding both classical and quantum attacks, is a timely area of research, as proven by the standardization effort led by NIST. Recently the focus has been on digital signature schemes, which are the subject of the latest NIST competition. Invited speaker : Luca De Feo
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11:00-11:30 | Coffee break |
11:30-13:30 | Workshop - Video |
Topics in Applied Cryptography - Abstract This workshop is dedicated to cryptography with a specific application, scenario and/or technology in mind, including performance evaluation, libraries and implementation issues, hardware and IoT, attacks and vulnerabilities, and requirements for unusual application scenarios. Topics of interest include privacy enhancing cryptography, homomorphic encryption, secure multi-party computation, quantum key distribution, and quantum-safe cryptography. [Call for Papers] Invited speaker : Marco Baldi
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Room B | |
9:00-11:00 | Workshop - Video |
Privacy-preserving Machine Learning Workshop - Abstract Privacy-preserving machine learning is a vital field as organizations and individuals strive to leverage machine learning while safeguarding sensitive data. The workshop addresses a growing demand for privacy enhancing techniques. It offers an up-to-date overview of the key concepts, methods, and tools. Invited speaker : Andrei Stoian
Information and call for papers can be found here. | |
11:00-11:30 | Coffee break |
11:30-13:30 | Workshop - Video |
New trends in Group-Based Cryptography - Abstract Group theory, particularly non-abelian groups, provides a wealth of challenges for cryptography, introducing a novel dimension to this field. Invited speaker : Delaram Kahrobaei
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13:30-14:30 | Lunch |
15 December (afternoon) - Scientific Session | |
14:30-16:30 | Mini-session: Boolean functions and symmetric cryptography - Video |
Invited Talk - Svetla Petkova-Nikova (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven- Belgium) - Research Manager - Slide "Threshold Implementations: Securing Implementations of Symmetric-Key Algorithms" - Abstract With the increase in portable devices performing cryptographic computations, physical attacks are becoming easy to execute. One of the most common physical attacks is Side-Channel Analysis (SCA), extremely dangerous due to its non-invasive nature. Threshold Implementations (TI) was proposed as the first countermeasure to provide provable security in masked hardware implementations. In this lecture we will first introduce the method and give examples of HW implementations using Threshold Implementations. Then we will present the most recent developments in the theory and practice of Threshold Implementations and will demonstrate Tis providing various trade-offs and achieving efficiency and security of HW implementations. | |
Marco Calderini, Roberto Civino, Riccardo Invernizzi - Slide "Differential experiments using parallel alternative operations" | |
Marine Minier, Loïc Rouquette and Christine Solnon - Slide "Automatic Boomerang Attacks Search on Rijndael" | |
16:30-17:00 | Coffee break |
17:00-18:30 | Mini-session: Cloud encryption |
Marco Calderini, Riccardo Longo, Massimiliano Sala, Irene Villa - Slide | |
Sigurd Eskeland - Slide | |
Marco Cianfriglia, Elia Onofri, Marco Pedicini - Slide |